07766 916 317


Where did it all begin?

Graham Frost runs inspiring workshops in schools, colleges, universities and prisons, where he shares his story of decision-making and helps people to improve their confidence, self-esteem and sense of personal responsibility.

To book Graham Frost please call 07766 916317
or email graham@grahamfrost.com

What Clients Say


Shaping lives round Heart Shaped Decisions


Our team will motivate you with their words to look at life with a new set of eyes. Their passion and expertise will give you the boost you need to want to start to make a change in your life.


Listen to our Team's stories and how their Heart Shaped Decisions has shaped a completely different path for them and their lives.


Finally get the courage to change your life through following Heart Shaped Decisions, and start to live your life to the fullest.

Our Mission Statement

“To introduce young people to Heart-Shaped Decisions and support them as they start to take their own positive decision-making steps through life.”